Thursday, June 4, 2009

And then one day, Anna drove.

I've gotten the sentiment on more than one occasion that Australian drivers are on the border of nuts. The bus drivers fly through the city (and are ruthless, if you're not at that stop, they're not stopping - and you do actually have to WAVE the bus down to get him to stop, even if there are 50 people waiting). Now, I really don't understand Anna Ro. Not in the slightest bit. I was certain she was says dots for at least 15 minutes before she pointed to a dart on a pant. Yesterday, she was saying something to me (that may as well have been in Korean), and then handed me my coat. I put it on and proceeded to follow her, not having a clue where we were going.

And this was when things got interesting. Picture this: A tiny Korean woman (she's shorter than I am) driving a Kia Mini Van, and flying through Australia, screaming at other drivers in Korean, Italian, and English. Two things I learned: stop signs and speed limits are only suggestions. Pedestrians don't have the right of way in Australia, so no one seems to see the point in actually stopping at a stop sign. There are also speed bumps to get people to slow down, the suggested speed limit is 25kph (the speed bumps are also pedestrian right-of-way "zebras", as they call cross walks). Anna Ro decided that 60kph was an appropriate speed for these bumps! Oh dear god!

I still don't understand the point of the trip, but she showed me a few beautiful placed in Annandale, and drove through Little Italy. I do intend to take a bus out there at some point and walk around…without the angry Korean in a mini van.

That internship is going a bit rough at the moment. I'm happy it's not my internship site every day after this week. She frequently gets into yelling fits with customers and really doesn't listen to anyone (I wonder if this is a language barrier, or just her stubbornness). Tailors are a cut of their own, and she's no different.

Needless to say, I look forward to this weekend, taking a break, and starting at Adam Worling on Tuesday (we have Monday off for the Queen's birthday). I have a lot of fun things planned for this weekend as most of the group is heading to a surf camp!

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